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Gout Care News

Arthritis and Gout, are no longer considered an “old man’s disease”

By August 26, 2022No Comments3 min read

These joint issues were formerly thought to be an inevitable result of aging joints. But in the last 10 to 15 years, the number of people suffering from these excruciating disorders has more than doubled, and shockingly, many of them are now found to be under the age of 40. Since 2012, doctors have observed a 30% increase in people in their 20s and 30s who had a condition that was previously considered to only affect royalty. Not by chance, prescriptions for diuretics and low-dose aspirin have increased along with obesity rates and Type 2 Diabetes.

A sizable portion of the population continues to suffer in silence despite either never receiving a diagnosis or receiving a wrong diagnosis occasionally. Due to imprecise blood measures of uric acid, medical personnel are especially prone to overlooking gout. If the fluid is not directly aspirated from the joint, identification may be challenging. Many patients who are experiencing an attack when they visit a doctor will have low to normal blood serum Uric Acid levels. Why is that so? The uric acid has solidified and is aggressively jabbing at the joint of the person experiencing a gout attack (s). Rarely do soluble levels test high in the blood while it is forming crystals and damaging the joints. If it were the true, nobody would likely be experiencing an attack and such agony.


Q: Can you have high soluble amounts of Uric Acid in the blood during an attack?

A: Yes, and that should cause a bigger concern.

Many of these illnesses are symptoms of much more dangerous and lethal diseases that damage the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and other organs. Any type of joint discomfort indicates inflammation, which increases your risk for developing secondary, frequently more serious disorders. Many people are unaware of the connection between these disorders and heart disease, kidney failure, etc. Preventive measures may be able to save your life.



Q: Should all of these conditions be treated in the same way?

A: In most cases, yes.

Inflammation’s underlying, common cause can and ought to be addressed. Although there is still much to understand about the relationships between inflammation and cell death, one thing is certain: chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of all of these excruciating and potentially fatal illnesses. If you actually want to address these health risks, diet and lifestyle adjustments are unavoidable. The decision is easy if becoming a walking pharmacy is not how you want to live.

  1. Mediation is a better alternative to medicine.
  2. Always choose water over soda. Add some freshly squeezed lemon to the water to make it even better. Try some freshly brewed tea with stevia added for all-natural sweetness if you occasionally crave a sweet beverage.
  3. Consider your diet, and consider it honestly.
  4. Exercise. You WILL feel better after working up a decent sweat and a lot of heartbeat.
  5. Sleep! Sleep is a very undervalued and crucial health habit.
  6. Recognize that even the healthiest diet need extra vitamins and supplements. The hole left by our soil’s decline is filled by additives.